The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is updated annually during the City’s budgeting process. This is different from the City’s Transportation Improvement Plan, but similar in approach. Where the TIP lists transportation projects for a six-year period, the CIP will do that for capital projects for a seven year period.
The following numerical codes used within the following tables explain the funding mechanisms to be utilized in completing these projects. Funding Sources:
2024 Capital Improvement Plan
1. UIL Airport Master Plan. AMP is nearly completed and may have a few minor aspects within the first part of 2024. This reflects that potential.
2. UIL Main Hangar South Face Renovation. UIL has been designated in the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation to receive funding that may be utilized for improvements to the WWII era hangar’s south side. City would solicit for an architect/engineer to develop project scope, estimates, and bid documents to remove all asbestos siding on the south side. Repair and renovate the southern exterior walls and associated portion so the southern two story wing of the building. On site septic system would also be pursued and installed in the area associated with the former parade ground to serve the entire hangar facility. In addition, electrical service would be restored to the southern two story wing of the building. Such undertaking would make the hangar fully usable and thereby rentable creating an additional revenue source for UIL. 2023 amount would reflect architect/engineer services for work to be done in 2024 and 2025.
3. UIL Runway Markings and Runway Repair. Project within the UIL Airport Master Plan’s unadopted CIP notes the remarking of the runway to the FAA standards and specifications. Runway repair is kept here in case there are additional AIP funding or WSDOT-A funding that could be matched to address any runway repair needs. Predominate funding source would be FAA AIP Funds.
4. UIL Airport Runway Edge Lighting. Utilizing FAA designated funding for UIL, and possible matching funds from the State, install working solar airport runway edge lighting which has been missing from UIL for approximately 50 years. Solar lighting has been utilized in FAA approved pilot assessments. UIL could potentially qualify for such a pilot with AIP funds, and potential other federal & state funding sources being utilized for this project.
5. Joint Airport Hangar Design. Employee an engineering firm to create a “box” and “t-hangar” design that could be utilized at entire S18 (Forks) or UIL by future tenants.
6. FMA – Runway Repair. Place holder for repair to the runway, taxiway and apron of the Forks Municipal Airport as the need arises based upon walking surveys of the airport. Funding would include Airport/Industrial funds, as well as proceeds from the annual racing events on the runway.
7. FMA – Additional parking for aircraft in a camping light setting near the southeastern corner of the runway. This could be a service organization led project with support and assistance from the City. Amounts and dates listed as place holder until further planning and proposals are developed and approved by the City.
2025 Capital Improvement Plan
1. UIL Main Hangar South Face Renovation. UIL has been designated in the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation to receive funding that may be utilized for improvements to the WWII era hangar’s south side. City would solicit for an architect/engineer to develop project scope, estimates, and bid documents to remove all asbestos siding on the south side. Repair and renovate the southern exterior walls and associated portion so the southern two story wing of the building. On site septic system would also be pursued and installed in the area associated with the former parade ground to serve the entire hangar facility. In addition, electrical service would be restored to the southern two story wing of the building. Such undertaking would make the hangar fully usable and thereby rentable creating an additional revenue source for UIL. 2023 amount would reflect architect/engineer services for work to be done in 2025 and 2026.
2. UIL Runway Markings and Runway Repair. Project within the UIL Airport Master Plan’s unadopted CIP notes the remarking of the runway to the FAA standards and specifications. Runway repair is kept here in case there are additional AIP funding or WSDOT-A funding that could be matched to address any runway repair needs. Predominate funding source would be FAA AIP Funds.
3. UIL Airport Runway Edge Lighting. Utilizing FAA designated funding for UIL, and possible matching funds from the State, install working solar airport runway edge lighting which has been missing from UIL for approximately 50 years. Solar lighting has been utilized in FAA approved pilot assessments. UIL could potentially qualify for such a pilot with AIP funds, and potential other federal & state funding sources being utilized for this project.
4. Joint Airport Hangar Design. Employee an engineering firm to create a “box” and “t-hangar” design that could be utilized at entire S18 (Forks) or UIL by future tenants.
5. FMA – Runway Repair. Place holder for repair to the runway, taxiway and apron of the Forks Municipal Airport as the need arises based upon walking surveys of the airport. Funding would include Airport/Industrial funds, as well as proceeds from the annual racing events on the runway.
6. FMA – Additional parking for aircraft in a camping light setting near the southeastern corner of the runway. This could be a service organization led project with support and assistance from the City. Amounts and dates listed as place holder until further planning and proposals are developed and approved by the City.
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